Selasa, 30 April 2024

Installing VS Code on Fedora

Installing VS Code on Fedora

VS Code is one of the most popular code editors out there, and it is only natural that you look for it after a fresh installation of Fedora.

Now, there are two ways to get VS Code on Fedora:

  • Unofficial Flatpak package: Easy to install from the software center. However, Flatpak apps run in sandboxed containers. So, you'll have to make additional effort to access SDKs on your actual system.
  • Official RPM package: VS Code offers a YUM repository for Fedora and Red Hat systems. The application is installed on the system and is well integrated. It requires running a few commands in the terminal, though.

You can use either method and see which one suits you better.

Let me show the steps for both methods in detail.

Method 1: VS Code in Flatpak format

This is rather the easier method here. Fedora comes with Flatpak baked in. So, you could just run this command and get done with it.

flatpak install

Or, if you don't like the terminal, open the software center and look for VS Code and install it from there. Just a matter of a few clicks.

The screenshots are shown for GNOME desktop environment. If you are using KDE or some other desktop environment, use their software center. The screenshots may look different but the steps remain the same.

Open the Software Center.

Installing VS Code on Fedora

Look for VS Code here. You'll see more than one results. The first one, Visual Studio Code, is the one from Microsoft. Code - OSS is the same but in its open source format, instead of what Microsoft offers. Similar is the case with VSCodium.

Installing VS Code on Fedora

You'll find the option to install Visual Studio Code. Click on it and it will be installed.

Installing VS Code on Fedora

Since it is a sandboxed application, you won't be asked to provide your account password while installing this program. However, you'll see a warning that extra effort is required for accessing some SDKs.

Installing VS Code on Fedora

Removal steps

To remove, use the following command:

flatpak uninstall code

Alternatively, you can also just go to Software Center, look for VS Code again and uninstall it from there.

The Flatpak version works good for me. But if you don't like its sandboxed behavior and you are not comfortable with the extra steps required for setting your development environment, you can opt for the native RPM package.

Method 2: VS Code in native RPM package

Microsoft provides a YUM repository that allows you to install VS Code on Fedora and update it with system updates when a newer version is available.

First, you need to import the repository signing key into your system:

sudo rpm --import

Next, add the repository to your system using this command:

sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[code]\nname=Visual Studio Code\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo'

The above command may look scary but that's what the official document mentions. Basically, you are creating a file /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo and adding some text that has repository information in a specific format. \n is used for adding new line.

Installing VS Code on Fedora
Click to enlarge

Now that repo is added, refresh the package cache so that your system knows about the availability of the new package.

dnf check-update
Installing VS Code on Fedora

Everything is set now. You can install Visual Studio Code now with this command:

sudo dnf install code

You'll have to press Y to confirm your choice:

Installing VS Code on Fedora

Removal steps

To uninstall the RPM version of VS Code, use the following command:

sudo dnf remove code

Do more with VS Code

I find it surprising that Microsoft has managed to name VS Code as code on all the platforms.

Anyway, it's good to see that Fedora has a few ways of installing VS Code and it's not that complicated.

I presume you'll be using GitHub so it's better to integrate it directly in VS Code.

How to Connect GitHub to VS Code [Step by Step]
Take your coding experience to the next level of ease by integrating GitHub into VS Code.
Installing VS Code on Fedora

Master the keyboard shortcuts to feel like the VS Code champion.

15 Best VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts to Increase Productivity
Do you want to be highly productive? Get familiar and memorize these VS Code keyboard shortcuts for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
Installing VS Code on Fedora

Happy coding with (VS) Code 👩‍💻

from It's FOSS

Handling 'Cannot refresh snap-store' Error in Ubuntu 24.04

Handling 'Cannot refresh snap-store' Error in Ubuntu 24.04

One of the annoying issues I encountered in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is with updating the App Store. It gives the following error:

Unknown Snapd Exception
cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (snap-store), pids:5263

And the way to get rid of this error and update the snap store is close it first and then manually update it from the terminal:

killall snap-store && sudo snap refresh snap-store

Let me discuss it in a bit more detail.

What happens here

This app store, which is actually Snap Store, shows the updates available for all the snap packages installed on your system. Since the app store itself is a snap package, it shows update available for itself as well.

Handling 'Cannot refresh snap-store' Error in Ubuntu 24.04
App store shows an update on Snap Store

And that becomes an issue because from what I have observed, you cannot update this snap-based app store from within the app store itself. It will result in this error:

Handling 'Cannot refresh snap-store' Error in Ubuntu 24.04
Snap Store throws error if you try updating it from the Snap Store itself

It's one of the half-baked, ignored issues that linger for years, one release after another. Ever since Ubuntu switched to this Snap Store, this issue has been there, but it is not fixed.

So, what can you do? You can resort to manual actions in the terminal.

Updating Snap Store manually

The idea is to close any running instance of Snap Store first. You can close the application window or kill it from the terminal:

killall snap-store

And then, force a refresh, i.e., update of the snap-store:

sudo snap refresh snap-store

Wait for the command to complete:

Handling 'Cannot refresh snap-store' Error in Ubuntu 24.04

If you go to the app store now, you'll see that there is no longer an update available on the Snap Store itself.

We need better UX

This is a small thing but it dents Ubuntu's image as a beginner-friendly distribution where things 'just work out of the box'.

Terminal and command line are powerful tools and it is always good to have some knowledge of them. But a user should not be forced to jump into the terminal for trivial things such as this.

Ubuntu should at least try and exclude showing the update available on Snap Store and update it in the background. Or, it should at least make the error message more meaningful and actionable for the end user. Just my two cents on the matter.

from It's FOSS

Senin, 29 April 2024

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

I've been using Pop!_OS since my college days, so whenever I distro hop, the first thing that I miss are the benefits of the Pop!_OS Shell.

Especially the ability to get tilting ability without much configuration is a must for someone like me.

So in this tutorial, I will walk you through how you can install the Pop Shell extension on the GNOME desktop. And yes, it will cover most Linux distros so you can get the most out of this.

Installing Pop Shell in GNOME Desktop

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Unlike most installation methods, installing the Pop!_OS Shell is a little different.

For example, if you're an Ubuntu user, you have to build Pop Shell from the source whereas Fedora users can directly install it using its package manager (as it is available in its repository).

To make things easy to follow, I have divided the installation steps for every distro into different sections:

For Ubuntu

If you are using Ubuntu, first install the required dependencies using the following:

sudo apt install git node-typescript make nodejs npm gnome-shell-extensions

In the next step, you have to clone the GitHub repository based on your current Ubuntu release. You can use the following command to know your release version:

lsb_release -a
How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Once you find the codename of your current release, head over to the official GitHub page of Pop Shell and select the branch named after your release:

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Next, download the zip file of the branch by clicking on the <> Code button:

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Once done, open the terminal and switch to the directory where you've downloaded the zip file. For most users, it will be the Downloads directory:

cd ~/Downloads

Now, use the unzip command to extract files in the following manner:

unzip -q <Filename>
How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Next, use the cd command to change to the extracted directory. In my case, it was shell-master_jammy so I used the following:

cd shell-master_jammy

Finally, build the file using the given command:

make local-install

During the installation, it will ask you if you want Pop Shell to override your default shortcuts. Enter y and press the Enter key:

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Once done, open the GNOME extensions from the app menu and enable the Pop Shell:

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

For Fedora

If you are using Fedora, then you're in luck. Pop!_OS Shell is readily available in the Fedora repository and can be installed with a single command:

sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell
How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

Now, log out and log back in, and open the GNOME extension manager to enable Pop Shell:

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

For Arch:

While the Pop!_OS Shell extension is available in the pacman repository, you have to build it from source if you want shortcuts to work.

First, install the prerequisites for building a package:

sudo pacman -S git typescript make

Next, clone the Pop Shell repository using the given command:

git clone

Now, change your directory to shell using the following command:

cd shell

Finally, use the make command to build the package:

make local-install

That's it! Now, enable the Pop Shell extension from the GNOME extension manager:

How to Use Pop Shell on GNOME Desktop

For Manjaro

If you don't know, Majaro Linux uses its repository and Pop!_OS Shell is available in it.

To install Pop Shell in Manjaro, use the following command:

sudo pamac install gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell

Once done, enable the Pop Shell extension from the GNOME extension manager and that's it!

Your Pop!_OS Experience is Ready

This was a quick tutorial on how you can install the Pop!_OS Shell extension on GNOME desktop.

💬 I hope you find this guide helpful, and for any clarifications or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment.

from It's FOSS

Kamis, 25 April 2024

FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

The two big releases of the year are here; Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40. I deferred sending the newsletter by a day so that I could provide you with all the coverage.

Although, Ubuntu 24.04 comes with several new features and changes, I am unhappy with a change they introduced. I shared my frustration in this article.

The sheer audacity of not caring for its users reeks of Microsoft-esque arrogance.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

💬 Let's see what else you get in this edition:

  • Ubuntu 24.04 and Fedora 40 articles
  • Gentoo saying no to AI generated code.
  • FOSSers discussing who invented Wi-Fi.
  • A neat open-source RSS reader app for Android.
  • And other Linux news, videos and, of course, memes!

📰 Linux news

  • Gentoo has banned AI-generated code submissions.
  • Thunderbird embraces Microsoft Exchange by relying on Rust.
  • Nextcloud Hub 8 has arrived, with AI powering many cool features.

🌱 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Noble Numbat makes the entry.

The Much-Awaited Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Release Is Here!
Canonical’s next big LTS release is here, with exciting changes.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

And we have covered the release of various official flavors, too:

If you discard my earlier rant, it's a decent new release.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Review: Big Changes & Sleek User Experience
The biggest Linux distro release of 2024 (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ) is here. Here’s what we think about it.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

Learn all about upgrading to 24.04 from earlier Ubuntu versions.

How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
This tutorial demonstrates the steps for upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 from 22.04. You can use the same steps to upgrade from any other supported Ubuntu version.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

We are also working on 'things to do after installing Ubuntu 24.04' article and Ubuntu 24.04 installation video. Stay tuned for that.

🌷 Fedora 40

Red Hat's community offering Fedora released version 40. Inclusion of PyTorch is a nice touch, specially for students learning AI development.

Fedora 40 Releases as a Prettier and a More Secure Distro
Fedora 40, here it is!
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

Here are the steps to upgrade from Fedora 39 to 40.

How to Upgrade From Fedora 39 to Fedora 40
This tutorial shows you how to upgrade the Fedora version to a new major release.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

And a few recommendations for setting it up.

17 Things to Do After Installing Fedora 40
Installed Fedora 40 on your system? Here are some tips for you to follow to enhance your desktop experience.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

🧠 What we’re thinking about

Print magazines seem to be a relic of the past. There used to be several dedicated Linux magazines in the late 90s and early 2000s. Linux Voice, Linux Journal are some of the names I can recall.

Surprisingly, there are still a couple of Linux magazines that remain in print even in 2024. Pleasant surprise, actually. Linux Magazine is one of those rare few. Do check it out if you still prefer keeping books in your hand rather than on your screen.

» Linux Magazine
Linux Magazine
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

🛍️ Exciting offer

Looking for plenty of encrypted cloud storage? Internxt's lifetime deal could be of interest. By using ITSFOSS80 coupon at checkout, you can get 2 TB of storage for a single payment of €100.

Internxt Lifetime Plans – Secure Cloud Storage For Life!
Internxt Lifetime Deal: Pay once and get 2TB, 5TB, or 10TB of secure cloud storage forever. Sign up or upgrade to a Internxt lifetime plan for lifelong privacy! Only for a limited time.
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

📹 What we are watching

More than watching, we are showing the newness of Ubuntu 24.04. There should be some more videos around it in the coming days.

✨ Project highlights

Is this the only RSS feed reader one might ever need for their Android smartphone? Read on to find out:

The Only RSS Feed Reader You Need for Your Android Device!
Get the daily dose of information with this open-source Android app!
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

Or, how about a tool that lets you censor out sensitive information from images?

Obfuscate: The Open-Source Privacy Tool You Need!
Take a step back, use this tool before you share any image online!
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

🧩 New quiz

How familiar are you with Richard Stallman? Can you beat this quiz?

The Richard Stallman (RMS) Quiz
A big thanks to all the contributions by Richard Stallman to our society. Do you know about them? Take this quiz!
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

💡 Quick handy tip

Remove duplicate lines in a file and then sort it using the Gedit text editor.

With the file open, first click on the menu button and then select Tools ➝ Sort. On the small dialog box, check the “Remove duplicates” box and then click on Sort.

FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

You can see the duplicate lines are removed, and the file is sorted. Save to make the changes permanent, or use CTRL + Z to undo the change.

🤣 Meme of the week

Even though I have a few workstations with Arch and NixOS installed, Ubuntu is the one I always rely on to get work done.

FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

🗓️ Tech Trivia

On April 23, 2005, the first-ever YouTube video "Me at the zoo" was uploaded by its founder Jawed. Just one and a half years later, Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 FOSSverse corner

FOSSers are discussing who invented Wi-Fi. Add your insights on this topic, if you have any!

Who invented WiFi?
Occasionally my wife asks me a question on technology, usually because it is on the radio or in a quiz she is doing, most of the time i can give an answer in the format been there done that and still wearing the tee shirt. This moring it was on internet, communications and she asked who invented Wi-Fi… Thanks to google i found an answer as i did not know… But that only gave me a partial answer But still not sure, and neither gave the answer option suggested in the quiz, but there suggest…
FOSS Weekly #24.17: All About Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora 40 Releases

❤️ With love

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from It's FOSS