Jumat, 05 Juni 2020

Open Source Password Manager Bitwarden Introduces Two New Useful Features: Trash Bin & Vault Timeout

Bitwarden is unquestionably one of the best password managers available for Linux. It’s also a cross-platform solution — so you can use it almost anywhere you like.

You can also read our review of Bitwarden if you want to explore more about it.

Now, coming back to the news. Recently, Bitwarden introduced two new major features that makes it even better.

Bitwarden Password Manager: What’s New?

You will find two new useful additions to Bitwarden. Here, I’ll highlight those for you:

Trash bin to store deleted items for 30 days

Before this update, if I deleted something on Bitwarden, there was no way I could recover that. Hence, it was an irreversible process.

But, now with the addition of Trash section, your deleted items will now reside in the Trash for 30 days unless you delete it from the Trash manually.

Bitwarden Item Trash
Bitwarden Item Trash

So, you don’t have to worry about losing your important items on Bitwarden vault. You have 30 days to easily recover it.

To be clear, the trash will include your complete item including the attachments, recovery codes, and the two-factor authentication tokens.

You can access the Trash items on your web vault, standalone app, and on the browser extensions as well.

In my case, I utilize a Firefox add-on and I can perfectly access the Trash items and restore/delete it when needed.

Timeout feature to lock or log out user

Bitwarden Timeout Options

Usually, when you restart the browser or refresh the session, you had to log back in to Bitwarden.

Depending on what you use — browser, app, or the web vault, this behavior may be different. But, now, you can actually control the timeout from your end.

For starters, you can set the timer for timeout from the predefined options. Some of those options are:

  • Timeout immediately
  • Timeout in 1 minute
  • Timeout in 5 minutes
  • Timeout in 15 minutes
  • Timeout on browser restart
  • Never timeout

In addition to this, you also get to decide the action of the timeout feature. After the timeout period ends, what do you want to happen?

Do you want to lock the Bitwarden app/vault? Or, do you want to log yourself out? This definitely sounds to be something very useful and should help you keep things secure as well.

To explore more about the vault timeout feature, trash feature and other features on Bitwarden, you can also check out their official help articles.

Wrapping Up

It looks like Bitwarden is shaping up pretty good as one of the most competitive offering as an open-source password manager when compared to other big players like LastPass.

What do you think about the latest additions to Bitwarden? Let me know in the comments below!

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