Selasa, 28 April 2020

Manjaro 20 Lysia Arrives with ZFS and Snap Support

Manjaro Linux has refreshed its ISO with Manjaro 20 “Lysia”. It now supports Snap and Flatpak packages in Pamac. ZFS option is added in Manjaro Architect installer and the latest kernel 5.6 is used as the base.

It’s raining new distribution releases. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS was released last week. Fedora 32 will be releasing shortly and Manjaro has released version 20 codenamed Lysia.

What’s new in Manjaro 20 Lysia?

Plenty actually. Let me show you some of the major new features in Manjaro 20.

New Matcha theme

Manjaro 20 has a new default theme called Matcha. It gives the desktop a more polished look.

Manjaro 20 Lysia

Snap and Flatpak support in Pamac and terminal

Snap and Flatpak package support is improved. You can use them in command line if you want.

You can also enable Snap and Flatpak support in the Pamac GUI package manager.

Enable Snap in Pamac Manjaro
Enable Snap support in Pamac Manjaro

Once enabled, you can find and install Snap/Flatpak applications in the Pamac software manager.

Snap Apps in Pamac
Snap applications in Pamac

Pamac offers to install new software based on search (in GNOME)

In the GNOME variant, if you search for something, Pamac software manager will now offer to install software that match the query. GNOME Software Center does that in other distributions that use GNOME desktop.

ZFS support lands in Manjaro Architect

You can now easily use ZFS as root in Manjaro Linux. The ZFS file system support is available in Manjaro Architect.

Do note that I am saying Manjaro Architect, the terminal based installer. It’s not the same as the regular graphical Calamares installer.

Pacman Prompts to install Apps

Linux kernel 5.6

The latest stable Linux kernel 5.6 brings more hardware support for thunderbolt, Nvidia and USB4. You can also use WireGuard VPN.

Manjaro 20 Neofetch Screen

Miscellaneous other features

  • New desktop environment versions: Xfce 4.14, GNOME 3.36 and KDE Plasma 5.18
  • zsh is the new default shell
  • Display-Profiles allows you to store one or more profiles for your preferred display configuration
  • Improved Gnome-Layout-Switcher
  • Latest drivers
  • Improved and polished Manjaro tools

How to get Manjaro 20 Lysia?

If you are already using it, just update your Manjaro Linux system and you should already be using version 20.

Manjaro uses a rolling release model which means you don’t have to manually upgrade from one version to another. You don’t have to reinstall as soon as there is a new version is released.

If Manjaro is rolling release distribution, why does it release a new version every now and then? It’s because they have to refresh the ISO so that new users downloading Manjaro will not have to install updates for last few years. This is why Arch Linux also refreshes its ISO every month.

Manjaro ‘ISO refreshes’ are codenamed and have a version because it helps the developers clearly mark each stage of development.

So, the bottom line is that if you are already using it, just update your Manjaro Linux system using Pamac or command line.

If you want to try Manjaro or if you want to use ZFS, then you can install Manjaro by downloading the ISO from its website:

Enjoy the new release of Manjaro Linux.

from It's FOSS

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