Senin, 12 Maret 2018

Fedora 28 Release Date and New Features

Brief: This is a continually updated article to inform you about Fedora 28 release date, features and everything important associated with it.

Development on Fedora 28 began right after the release of Fedora 27 release. The new release will bring battery improvement on laptops, slightly different initial setup and a possible secure Thunderbolt 3 support among other things.

Fedora 28 Release Date

Fedora has a six monthly release cycle. Which means there are two Fedora releases each year. These releases are usually timed around May Day (1st of May) and Halloween (31st October). However, Fedora has a history of not keeping up the release dates. So the release schedule is only tentative and the dates may change for all the phases.

Below is the proposed release schedule for Fedora 28:

  • 6th Feb 2018 – Software String Freeze
  • 6th March 2018 – Beta freeze
  • 27th March 2018 – Beta release
  • 17th April 2018 – Final freeze
  • 1st May 2018 – Fedora 28 final release
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New Features in Fedora 28

New features in Fedora 28

Here are some of the noticeable new features in Fedora 28 release:

1. Improved battery life on laptops

No more manual tweaks! Fedora 28 will deploy several tweaks on its own to provide improved battery life. As explained in a talk at FOSDEM 2018, Fedora 28 will have the following power management tweaks:

  • Enabling auto-suspend for Intel HDA codecs saves around 0.4 W
  • Enabling SATA ALPM by default saves up to 1.5 W
  • Enabling i915 Panel Self Refresh by default saves around 0.5 W

With these tweaks in place, some laptop models will see up to 30% of battery life improvements.

While ‘power users’ can do these tweaks manually and achieve the same result, the idea is to provide an out of the box experience to every Fedora user. Indeed a good thinking there.

2. Reduced Initial Setup Redundancy

To make Fedora more beginner friendly, Fedora 28 Workstation will have fewer ‘questions’ to answer at the install time. There will be no root password anymore and the user password itself will be sufficient for the root actions, same as Ubuntu.

There will be some more code changes to reduce the redundancy between Anaconda installer and gnome-initial-setup.

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3. Improved VirtualBox support

Fedora 28 will see the addition of guest-drivers to the Fedora kernel package, packaging the userspace-tools (VirtualBox Guest Additions) and adding the VirtualBox Guest Additions package to the default package list for the Workstation product.

This means using Fedora in VirtualBox will have a better experience.

4. New supplemental wallpapers

This is only for hardcore Fedora fans. As usual Fedora 28 will also have a new set of wallpapers.

Fedora 28 wallpapers

You can download these wallpapers from the link below:

Download Fedora 28 Wallpapers

5. Other notable changes in Fedora 28

  • Secure Thunderbolt 3 support
  • Users can type either emoji annotation or Unicode names on the same dialog
  • Ruby 2.5
  • GCC 8
  • Django 2.0
  • Erlang 20
  • GHC 8.2
  • Golang 1.10

You can have a look at other proposed features in Fedora 28 here.

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Download Fedora 28 Beta

If you want to test Fedora 28 before its release, you can download Fedora 28 beta version from the link below. But before you do that, let me warn you that beta means bugs. You’ll have an unstable operating system with possible issues. I advise not using it as your main OS yet.

Download Fedora 28 Beta

What else?

I’ll keep on updating on all the major happenings around Fedora 28. If you have something to add to this list, feel free to inform me in the comment section.

from It's FOSS

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