Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Resize Images with Right Click on Ubuntu and Other Linux Distributions [Quick Tip]

Brief: A Quick tip that shows how to resize images with right click menu in Linux quickly. The trick should work on any Linux distribution that uses Nautilus file manager.

How do you resize an image on Linux? Do you use GIMP or Shutter? Or perhaps you use ImageMagick in the terminal.

As I often need to resize the image before uploading them on It’s FOSS, Shutter was my favorite tool for this task until now. Shutter is an excellent screenshot tool that allows some quick editing features. However, if you just need to change the size, length and width of an image, opening an entire tool and going through menu options can be saved by using a nifty Nautilus plugin.

What’s Nautilus? Nautilus is a file manager used by GNOME and several other desktop environments. This is where you visually see your files. It’s equivalent to Windows Explorer in Linux.

There are several Nautilus plugins available that enhance its capability. They are not installed by default as they server specific purpose and users can choose to install them as per their needs.

One such Nautilus plugin is called Image Manipulator and it allows you to rotate or resize images by right-clicking on an image and choosing the option of rotating or resizing.

Quickly resize images with right click in Linux

Before you try to install the Nautilus plugin for quickly resizing images, I advise that you verify if your Linux system uses Nautilus file manager or not. To check that, use the command below:

nautilus --version

If you get an output with version numbers, you have Nautilus file manager on your system. Else, your Linux distribution is using some other file manager.

Check Nautilus version

Once you have made sure that you have Nautilus file manager on your system, you can install the plugin using the command below:

sudo apt install nautilus-image-converter

Install Nautilus plugin

If you are using Fedora, Arch or other non-Debian Linux, you can use your distribution’s package installing command.

Once installed, restart Nautilus using the command below:

nautilus -q

Now if you right click on an image, you’ll see two new options of resize and rotate in the context menu.

Resize image in right click menu in Nautilus on Linux

You can choose the resize option to resize the image right from the right-click menu quickly. It will present you a few options for resizing the image. It doesn’t retain the aspect ratio though.

Resize image in right click menu in Nautilus on Linux

It might not be a path-breaking trick but it does save you a few clicks.

To remove the plugin, you can use the command below:

sudo apt install nautilus-image-converter

And then restart the Nautilus. Simple!

I hope you liked this quick tip. If you know some neat little trick, do share with rest of us.

from It's FOSS http://ift.tt/2GUX42e

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