Rabu, 28 Februari 2024

FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

KDE Plasma 6 is released. Upcoming distributions Fedora 40 should provide it. GNOME 46 will be releasing in the coming weeks too. April onwards, you'll see newer versions being released for Ubuntu and most major Linux distributions. Exciting times ahead!

💬 Let's see what else you get in this edition of FOSS Weekly:

  • System monitoring tools in the command line
  • Some neat features you can expect from the GNOME 46 release
  • Warp terminal first impression
  • And other Linux news, videos and, of course, memes!
  • This edition of FOSS Weekly has been supported by Netdata.

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FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

📰 Linux news

Here are some cool features that are set to arrive with GNOME 46:

GNOME 46 is Coming in Hot With These 6 Features
Can’t wait for GNOME 46? Here’s a sneak peek into the features you get with the upgrade.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

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FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

🧠 What we’re thinking about

Another major country is pushing for RISC-V, and I can't wait to see how it pans out.

India continues to innovate homegrown RISC-V, launches Aries 3.0 board with an onboard Vega ET1031 CPU
RISC-V, as an open platform, gives countries like India a chance to break into semiconductors.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

🧮 Linux Tips, Tutorials and More

PipeWire vs. PulseAudio: Which one is your pick?

PipeWire vs PulseAudio: What’s the Difference?
Classic PulseAudio or the new PipeWire? What’s the difference? What’s the buzz about Pipewire? Learn in this explainer.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

CLI tools for system resource monitoring.

7 System Monitoring Tools for Linux That are Better Than Top
Top command is good but there are better alternatives. Take a look at these system monitoring tools that are similar to top, but better than it.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

Struggling to keep your Obsidian notes in order? Dive into these practical tips to organize your notes better:

13 Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Utilize Obsidian knowledge tool more effectively with these helpful tips and tweaks.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

📹 What we are watching

Torvalds accepts it is heard to find Linux kernel maintainers

✨ Project highlights

Warp is finally available for Linux, learn what it does right and what it can do better:

Warp: Rust-based Terminal With Built-in AI is Now Available for Linux Also!
A terminal emulator with built-in AI, futuristic.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

🧩 New quiz unit

Drag and drop, match and pop!

Match the Apps
A fun, drag and drop quiz to identify the popular applications.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

💡 Quick handy tip

Locate the mouse pointer in Ubuntu by following this:

  • Go to Settings ➝ Accessibility ➝ Pointing and Clicking
  • Now, toggle the Locate Pointer button.
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

When you press the Left Control key, the mouse pointer will show an animation letting you know where it is located.

🤣 Meme of the week

Windows who? 😆

FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

🗓️ Tech Trivia

On February 26, 1991, the Creator of World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, introduced the first-ever web browser. Initially called WorldWideWeb, it was later renamed Nexus to avoid confusion from World Wide Web itself.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 FOSSverse corner

A FOSSer is reconsidering how they handle their passwords. Join in if you have any helpful suggestions!

A different password approach
Seeing some recent discussion of password security prompted me to review my password situation. I am going to adopt a new approach. Each password will consist of 2 parts a variable part which is stored ( it does not matter where), and a fixed part which is carried in my head When entering a password, I look up the variable part, combine it with the fixed part in my head and enter the combined result. That means I can write the variable part on paper… and it is secure. How I do the…
FOSS Weekly #24.09: GNOME 46 & KDE 6 Features, PipeWire, Obsidian Tips and More

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Senin, 26 Februari 2024

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian

The huge amount of data and knowledge spread across the internet makes managing important data a cumbersome task these days. Finding the correct information in the massive pool of data needs careful organizational skills.

That’s where the Knowledge management tools like Obsidian, Logseq and Notion comes in. Compared to Notion, Obsidian has several advantages, especially in the Linux environment because it has a native app. Moreover, it relies on Markdown as a base for note management.

I am not going to discuss if you should use Obsidian. That's not the intent of this article.

As an ardent Obsidian user, let me use my experience to share some tips to boost your data storage and make the retrieval more efficient if you are already using Obsidian.

Non-FOSS Warning! Obsidian is not an open source software. We cover it here because of its popularity among Linux users and open source developers.

1. Make use of in-built table of contents

Obsidian has an in-built interactive table of contents, that aligns with the level of heading on the document. So, if you have a properly created headings and subheadings, then this ToC is very effective.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Built-in Table of Contents

Click on the top right panel button. Now, you can click on the outline button to get the current document outline. If you want to hide this view, simply click on the panel button again, on the top-right.

Obsidian’s main selling point is its interlinking of documents and knowledge graphs. A casual note-taking user will get confused here.

Furthermore, some default settings on Obsidian will make it hard for migrating to another app later.

The tweaks mentioned below can be found in Settings Gear → File and Links.

What it does is, whenever you rename a file inside your note vault, any link to that file is automatically updated. Else, you will get a prompt each time, which is easy to miss sometime.

Enable the “Automatically Update Internal Links” button.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Update File Links Automatically

Setting the New Link format to “Relative path to the file” and turning off Wikilinks will be good if you expect your notes to work well with other Markdown editors.

When you make these two changes, it will be a bit going backwards because Wikilinks is one of the nice features of Obsidian. Only disable it if you are not sure about sticking with Obsidian in the future.
13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Link Format and Wikilink

Suggested Read 📖

Creating and Working with Links in Obsidian
The true power of the Obsidian knowledge base tool lies in the links. Learn to use it.
13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian

3. Get familiar with the hotkeys

Obsidian has some pre-set hotkeys for some actions. It will be pretty handy, memorizing some important ones.

Function Hotkey
Open Command Palette CTRL + P
Create a New Note CTRL + N
Delete a Paragraph CTRL + D
Open Graph View CTRL + G
Insert Markdown Link CTRL + K

Similarly, it’s better to set some accessible hotkeys as per your preference for the following items:

  • Adding tags
  • Exporting to PDF
  • Inserting attachments and callouts
  • Inserting tables
  • Toggling highlight
  • Zooming in and zooming out

To add a hotkey, you can just press the “Plus” button adjacent to an entry and press the key combination that you want to set to that action.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Add a Hotkey

4. Use slash key to get in-line commands

Like Notion and other popular editors, you can make Obsidian show the available commands by pressing the forward slash key.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Slash to Get In-line Commands

To enable this, go to Settings → Core Plugins and there, enable the Slash Commands option.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Enable Slash Commands

5. Use Obsidian Canvas for brainstorming

If you want a brainstorming session, you can make use of the Obsidian canvas. Here blocks, images, existing notes, link preview, etc. can be shown. Furthermore, it is possible to connect the blocks and group them as needed.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Use Obsidian Canvas

Use CTRL+scroll to zoom in and zoom out of the view. For moving around the area, press the Space key and then left click and drag.

6. Add properties to documents

Inside the documents in your vault, you can add file properties like Date, tags, etc. Properties appearing at the beginning of a document makes management easier.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
File Properties are added

To add properties, press CTRL+P on the document to open the command panel. There, search for “Add File Property”.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Select Add File Property

You can add more than one property to a block by using the Add Property button. Once you have added several properties, whenever you add a property to another document, you will get the fields you already created.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
File Properties Field are Accessible

You can right-click on the icon of a property and change its type to an available type.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Set the Type of Property
This property fields are for Obsidian only. If you try to open the markdown file you created with these property blocks in some other editors, it may give unexpected results.

7. Access the tag information from the panel menu

You can add several tags to your notes and those tags can be used to retrieve data later. Click on the top-right panel button and then select the tags button. It will display all the tags and the number of notes on each tag.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Search with Tags

Clicking on these tag on the right side panel will list all the notes in that tag on the left search panel.

8. Use Callouts to write better documents

Obsidian has a callout feature, that allows you to mark points that need special attention. See the screenshot below.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Callouts in Obsidian

Here, I have added callouts like Tip, Warning, Note etc. To make this appear inside the document, use the format below:

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Creating Callouts

9. Keep attachments neatly

In a markdown-based app like obsidian, it is easy to get confused about the location of an added attachment.

First, go to Settings → Files and Links. Here, scroll down a bit to get to the Default Location for New Attachments. Set it to “In subfolder under current folder”. On the Subfolder Name option, type a name for the attachments folder. That’s it!

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Attachment Location

Now, whenever you copy and paste a file to a note, that attachment file will be saved to the attachments folder per directory.

Whatever file you are adding to a note, try to give a better and unique name for easy retrieval in a later stage.

10. Work with interlinking and graph View

The knowledge graph is one of the main focuses of Obsidian. These are visual representation of the links of an article. The feature is particularly helpful, if you are using interconnected notes and need to know to which notes a particular note is connected to.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Graph View in Obsidian

You can either click on the Graph view button on the left panel, or use the shortcut CTRL + G. In order to link an article to another, make use of the quick links creation. Just type [[ and then search for the note in the appearing box.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Adding Internal Link to Notes

11. Install plugins

Plugins make Obsidian ever more powerful. So, you should use them frequently. First, click on the settings button.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Click on the Settings Button

This will open the preferences window. Go to the Community Plugins tab and then click on the Turn on Community Plugins button.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Turn on Community Plugins

In the next window, click on the browse button to browse various community plugins.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Click the Browse button

You can click on any item to go to its installation page.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Community Plugins Page

Press the installation button there to install that plugin to your Obsidian version.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Install a Community Plugin
The extensions that are installed by you will be saved on a folder called.obsidianin the local storage, where you created the vault. When you copy the whole vault and open that copied vault using Obsidian in another system, all the extensions will be installed there as well. It will ask, “Do you trust the author” while opening such a copied vault. So, you don’t need to handpick extensions every time, you migrate from one system to another.

12. Enable LanguageTool

LanguageTool is an open source proofreading software. You can use it to avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes.

You can easily set up LanguageTool on Obsidian so that it just works inside the app.

First, install the obsidian community plugin for LanguageTool.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Install LanguageTool Plugin

You can enable the plugins one installed using the enable button.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Enable LanguageTool Plugin from

The plugin can be enabled from the Community Plugins page on Obsidian Settings as well.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Enable Plugin from Community Plugins

You need to set a hotkey for the Language tool. For that, click on the Plus button as shown in the above screenshot. On the next screen, set some non-conflicting shortcut keys. You should set a hotkey for at least the Check Text function.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Set Hotkey to Check Text

You can now disable the spell check by Obsidian since it's not necessary.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
Disable Obsidian Spell Check

That’s it. Now, when you need to check a text manually, press the hotkey you set.

13 Super Useful Tips on Organizing Notes Better With Obsidian
LanguageTool spotting errors in Text

13. Set an icon for Obsidian AppImage (only for Linux users)

If you are using Obsidian AppImage on GNOME, you will notice that, the Obsidian Icon is missing from the GNOME Dash. You can make it appear on the dash by placing the contents given below to a file called Obsidian.desktop in the ~/.local/share/applications/ directory.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Knowledge Management Application


Even though Obsidian uses Markdown, and it is accessible through any platform that has Markdown support, there is a small amount of vendor lock in involved here. It is in the form of plugins and some built-in content blocks.

It is not a specific issue to Obsidian. Even open-source editors like Joplin have such issues. When you install plugins and other tools specific to an editor, you may not find it accessible on other editors, that do not support these plugins.

You may already be familiar with some of these Obsidian tips that I mentioned here. I am eager to know if you 'discovered' something new. Please let me know in the comment section.

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