Rabu, 29 November 2023

FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

A modern Linux terminal I discovered this week took me by surprise. I was not expecting it to be this different!

It's like VS Code or a modern code editor. It is aimed primarily at developers but people who are not comfortable with traditional terminals would also be happy with it.

Wave: A Modern New Linux Terminal that You’ll Love if You Hate Command Line
The VS Code of Linux Terminals is here and it has the potential to become popular among the gen z of coders and Linux users.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

💬 Let's see what you get in this edition of FOSS Weekly:

  • AUR helper Paru sees a major release after years
  • A popular CMS has gone open-source.
  • Data recovery tutorial
  • And other Linux news, videos, Puzzles and, of course, memes!

📰 Linux news

The latest version of P2P YouTube alternative adds several new features.

PeerTube Gets Better Features Than YouTube With Version 6 Release
Decentralized open-source platform PeerTube gets a big upgrade, making it a good YouTube alternative.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

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By the way, if you use Google, follow It's FOSS on Google News to get trusted It's FOSS content before other websites in Google search.

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FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

🧠 What we’re thinking about

Clearly, not everyone is happy about it.

Microsoft is Locking Down Search for Public Code on GitHub
Microsoft, what are you up to with GitHub?
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

🧮 Linux Tips, Tutorials and More

LibreOffice is awesome and yet a few people look for alternatives. This article is for them.

6 LibreOffice Alternatives for Linux
LibreOffice is awesome but if you are still looking for some other office, here are some options.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

Revamped tutorial. Just so that you know, these tools work with data on external disk only.

Recover Deleted Files Using Linux [Beginner’s Guide]
Learn to attempt data recovery on external disks and SD cards using TestDisk and PhotoRec tools in Linux.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

A simple tutorial on having multiple keyboard layouts and changing between them.

How to Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu
It’s quite easy to have multiple keyboard layouts in Ubuntu and switch between them. Here’s how to do that.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

📹 What we are watching

✨ Project highlights

rlxOS is a independent immutable Linux distro offering with an Xfce touch to it.

rlxOS: An Independent Immutable Linux Distro With Xfce Desktop
An independent, immutable distribution with a nice look and feel.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

🧩 New quizzes

KDE fan? How about a quick trivia quiz?

KDE Trivia Quiz
How much do you know about the KDE project?
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

It's FOSS Plus users can play this crossword focusing on terminal emulators.

Puzzle of the Week: Crossword #5: Linux Terminal Emulators
Exercise those ‘little gray cells’ of yours and solve this puzzle.
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

💡 Quick handy tip

Subscribe and Listen to Podcasts using Rhythmbox. Use the RSS Feed URL of any podcast for subscribing.

FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

🤣 Meme of the week

Just Ubuntu Things 😁

FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

🗓️ Tech Trivia

November 30th is the National Computer Security Day. It was proposed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) under Carnegie Mellon University created the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) so that more people could talk about computer security.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 FOSSverse corner

A FOSSers shares their experience of setting up secure boot in an Arch-based distro.

Setting up Secure Boot in Arch-based Distributions
I’ve learned how to successfully boot most Arch-based distributions with Secure Boot enabled by using the rEFInd boot loader (rEFIND generates the keys for me so I can sign it using MOK registration) and sign the installed kernel(s) image(s) with the same keys. The location of the packages required…
FOSS Weekly #23.48: New rlxOS Distro, Wave Terminal, Paru 2.0, Data Recovery in Linux and More

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Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

When you install Ubuntu, you get to choose the keyboard. You may have gone with the default choice of English US and now you want to change it to English UK or India or any other keyboard of your choice.

The good thing is that you can have multiple keyboard layouts in the same Ubuntu system. This is quite convenient.

In this tutorial, you'll learn to:

  • Add new keyboard layouts in Ubuntu desktop
  • Switch between the available keyboards
  • Remove Additional keyboards
  • Command line method of changing keyboard layout

Step 1: Add new keyboard layout

To change the keyboard layout, you need to have another keyboard layout enabled on your system first.

Go to system settings. Press the Super key in Ubuntu (Windows symboled key) and search settings.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

In the system settings, look for Keyboard in the left sidebar. Once you select that, you should see the option of adding a new keyboard under the Input Sources section. Click the + sign.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu
Add new keyboard layout

You'll be presented with a few keyboard options but you can get a lot more if you click on the three dots. You can scroll through or search by typing the in here.

Click on your desired keyboard. Keep in mind that the selected keyboard layout may have sub-layouts.

For example, when I click on English (India) it shows me a number of English keys from Denmark to Ghana or what not. In here, I chose the English (India, with rupee) keyboard. This is the keyboard layout that will be added.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

You'll see the newly added keyboard layout under the Input Sources section.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

This is the same method I used for adding a Hindi keyboard in Ubuntu earlier.

Step 2: Switching keyboards

So, you have successfully added another keyboard. But it is not in use. You have to switch between the available input sources.

There are two ways of doing it.

Method 1: Use Super+Space keys together

The quicker method for switching the keyboards to use keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu. Press the Super key (Windows key) and Space together. It will momentarily show all the enabled keyboard layouts.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

You can press Space key multiple times while holding the Super key to move between the available options.

Method 2: Use mouse to switch keyboards

It's not easy to remember all these keyboard shortcuts and that's understandable.

When you have more than one keyboards enabled on the system, you'll notice that the keyboard name is being displayed in the top right corner of the panel. Click on it and you'll see the option to switch between the layouts or see the selected keyboard layouts.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu
Switch between keyboard layouts

Bonus Tip: Remove additional keyboard

Not liking multiple keyboards in your system? No worries. You can easily remove them.

Go to the keyboard settings once again as you saw previously. Click on the three vertical dots symbol next to the keyboard of your choice. You should see the remove option here.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

If you are a desktop user, I strongly recommend the graphical method discussed above.

If you are on a server and you must use some other keyboard layout, you could opt for the command line.

Now, there are multiple ways to change the keyboard layout in Linux. But for Ubuntu, I prefer the dpkg way.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Enter your password and you shall see this in your terminal:

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

To navigate in this TUI (terminal user interface), use the arrow keys to move between the available options. Use the tab key to go to the <OK> or <Cancel> options. When you are at one of them, press enter to confirm your choice.

Go with the country of your choice and then you'll have the option to choose the keyboard layout.

When you have added the additional keyboard, you'll be asked to assign a keyboard shortcut to switch between them.

Change Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu

You may also go and make the new keyboard the default and the only layout in the system. Though this could be risky if you do it between languages that are not similar. I mean if you use English US keyboard (physical) and you switch the layout to Hungarian, you won't have all the keys available.

You'll be seeing several screens afterward.

If you are not happy with the new keyboard layout, you can type the same command again and then reconfigure the layout.

from It's FOSS https://ift.tt/FUxMth2

Rabu, 22 November 2023

FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family (if you celebrate it) 🦃

While Thanksgiving is primarily a US tradition, Black Friday has become a global event with various deals and discounts being offered.

Each year, I look on the internet for Black Friday offers that should interest Linux users and collect them on a single page.

If interested, go through it and see if you find something worth spending (and saving) some money on.

Black Friday Deals for Linux Users
’Tis the season for sale. Enjoy saving money in the Black Friday deals.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

💬 Let's see what you get in this edition of FOSS Weekly:

  • Xiaomi embraces open-source
  • Flatpak tips
  • Tips and tweaks for Joplin notes
  • Open source password managers
  • Two interesting projects
  • And other Linux news, videos, Puzzles and, of course, memes!

📰 Linux news

So, Google Wants Firefox Users to Have a Poor YouTube Experience?
YouTube loads up slower on Firefox, just because Google wants it to or not?
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

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By the way, if you use Google, follow It's FOSS on Google News to get trusted It's FOSS content before other websites in Google search.

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FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

🧠 What we’re thinking about

This seems like a motivating news until the VCs start cutting down on the openness.

Open source Notion alternative AppFlowy gets big-name backers and lands on the cloud | TechCrunch
AppFlowy is taking on Notion with an open source approach virtual workspace platform, with backing from a who’s who of investors.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

🧮 Linux Tips, Tutorials and More

Master Joplin with our handy list of tips and tweaks

Mastering Joplin Notes: Tips and Tweaks
Joplin is an awesome open source note taking application. Here’s how you can make the best of it.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

And some tools and tips on better managing Flatpak applications

7 Tips and Tools to Enhance Your Flatpak Experience in Linux
If you love using Flatpak applications, here are a few tips, tools, and tweaks to make your Flatpak experience better and smoother.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

I am still using Arch Linux and discovering new problems and writing about them

Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux
Bluetooth not working on Arch Linux? Here’s what worked for me along with a few additional tips on troubleshooting Bluetooth issue on Arch.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

For your privacy needs

8 Open Source Password Managers to Enhance Your Privacy Game
Secure your credentials with some of the best open-source password managers.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

📹 What we are watching

A self-snoozing clock made with Raspberry Pi? Well, not the only useless thing I watched this week 🤷

✨ Application highlights

Here's a personal finance app that can be self-hosted!

Actual: An Open-Source Privacy-Friendly Personal Finance App
A fairly new open-source finance app with privacy in mind.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

Can I interest you in an open-source remake of the 2009 era RuneScape?

2009Scape - A free & open-source remake of 2009 era RuneScape
2009Scape - Play Runescape from 2009. Multiplayer and free forever.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

🧩 New quizzes

Fedora fan? How about a quick trivia quiz?

Fedora Trivia Quiz
An enjoyable trivia quiz about Fedora Linux.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

It's FOSS Plus users can play this crossword-like puzzle focused on Arch-based distros.

Puzzle of the Week: Acrostic #3: Arch-based distros
Exercise those ‘little gray cells’ of yours and solve this puzzle.
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

💡 Quick handy tip

A handy KDE Plasma Tip!

If you have a mouse with additional buttons, you can assign buttons for desktop tasks like Application Launcher, Switch Desktop etc.

For this, right-click on the desktop and select “Configure Desktop and Wallpaper”. Now, go to Mouse Actions.

Here, click on the “Add Action” button and inside the “Input Here” button, click the key on your mouse that you want to use.

Now, select the desired action from the dropdown menu and click “Apply”.

FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

🤣 Meme of the week

What is Windows? The ones attached to the walls of my home?

FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

🗓️ Tech Trivia

The GIMP project turned 28 on 21st November. It's interesting to see how old some of the popular open source software are.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 FOSSverse corner

In this thread, FOSSers discuss what they do on their Linux systems apart from gaming.

What do you do with your Linux box instead of gaming?
Gaming is not Linux’ particular strong suit. Even though it’s improving these days, it’s not what Linux is known for. So, I’m wondering what do you people do with your Linux desktop installs? Do you program? Maintain your servers? Write stories? Compose music? Work on distributions? Or are you jus…
FOSS Weekly #23.47: Password Managers, Joplin and Flatpak Tips, Black Friday and More

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